


  Company: Shanda Games
  Job Title: Gameplay Engineer
  Team Size: About 10
  Platform: Mobile
  Project Time: 4 Months
  Project Link: IOS, Android

Project description:

  Chinaware is an online 3D mobile educational game about Chinese Porcelain arts. It contains several modules to help the users to experience and understand the beauty of traditional Chinese Porcelain making. Users can experience the molding process from throwing, coloring, enameling, drawing (customized patterns) to the final firing and share their favorite work with friends. The game presents the process from blank selection to firing in 3D form, allowing the users to experience the complicated and arduous process of porcelain manufacturing. The game also demonstrates the technical differences of varied classic porcelain types and tells the story of porcelain inheritance and development in the vicissitude of dynasties.
  This project intends to perform as an exploration of educational games, which helps people understand the positive and social values of gaming. The project seeks to promote Chinese culture through human-computer interactions and convey its educational knowledge in a nontraditional way.

Promotion Video:

Other Infomation:

  Location: Shanghai, China
  Engine: Unity
  Code Language: C#

Personal work:

  • 3D interaction with objects
  • Tutorial
  • camera Movement
  • Muti-language system
  • Gameplay systems based on Unity GUI
    • Achievement
    • Online retailer
    • Quest

Project Conclusion:

   Chinaware was my first professional project. The first thing I learned from the project is professionalism. Working on a project for a company could be very different from the school project since I had to communicate with team members with various backgrounds, needs, perspectives, and thinking styles. While in school, we could assume that your teammates had similar knowledge in understanding the technical topics. Working in a game development team, however, I need to explain technical terms in a plain way to the designer and arts who may not have technical backgrounds. Besides that, the project management was a lot more intense in professional development. I had to deal with deadline pressures and be efficient when the design or the requirement changes. Adherence to the project’s coding standards was also one of the most important merits while working with the other programmers.


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